School Of Information Technologies And Engineering

Vugar Musayev

Assistant Professor

Mathematics and Statistics




Joined ADA:



August, 2018

  • Calculus I, II
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • PhD in Computer Engineering, Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, 2010
  • MS in Computer Engineering, Qafqaz Universit, 2006
  • BS in Mathematics, Bogaziçi University, 2001
  • V Musayev, M Minaricova. Integration to European Research and Education Networks and EaPConnect Project, “E-kitabxanaların formalaşması problemləri” respublika elmi-praktiki konfransı, 2016, v.1, p. 46-48;
  • V Musayev, Y İmamverdiyev. International initiatives and commitments for information security, “İnformasiya təhlükəsizliyinin multidissiplinar problemləri” üzrə II respublika elmi-praktiki konfransı, 2015, v.1, p.102-105;
  • V Musayev. Privacy preserving Data Mining in e-government environment, Problems of Information Technology, 2013, v.7, No.5, p.24-30;
  • V Musayev. 3D face recognition method by best fitting polynomials, Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 5th Conference on, 2011;
  • R Alguliyev, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev. Enhancing the security of biometric systems by watermarks, 2010, Вопросы защиты информации, v.1(88), p. 24-28;
  • R Alguliyev, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev. “Biometric Technologies”, Institute of Information Technology Publications, Baku, 2009;
  • Y Imamverdiev, L Kerimova, V Musayev. Method of detection of real fingerprints on the basis of the Radon transforms. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, V.43, No:5, 2009;
  • R Alguliyev, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev. Liveness Detection Methods in Biometric Systems. (Методы обнаружения живучести в биометрических системах), Вопросы защиты информации. 2009, №3 (86), с.16-21.);
  • Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev. A Wavelet Based Fingerprint Quality Estimation Method (Метод определения качества отпечатков пальцев на основе вейвлетов), Информационные технологии моделирования и управления, 2009, №6 (58), с.748-753;
  • R Alguliyev, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev. Securing fingerprint template by watermarking. The 3rd IEEE International Conference “Application of Information and Communication Technologies 2009”-AICT 2009;
  • F Abdullayeva, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev, J Wayman. Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Biometric Systems. The 2nd International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” – PCI 2008. Baku: 2008, v.1, p.60-63;
  • R Shikhaliyev, Y Imamverdiyev, V Musayev, J Wayman. Analysis of the Biometric Systems Security Evaluation Methodologies. The 2nd International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics "– PCI 2008. Baku: 2008, v.1 p. 71-74;
  • Imamverdiyev Y., Karimova L, Musayev V., Wayman J. Testing Biometric Systems against Spoofing Attacks. The II International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics” – PCI’2008. 2008, Baku, v. 1, p.52-55.