
ADA University Alumni Forum 2022 was held

ADA University Alumni Forum 2022 was held

ADA University Alumni Forum 2022 organized onJune 18-19, was attended by 200 graduates and guests. The aim was to bring ADA graduates together for establishing an effective platform for exchanging of ideas and building long-lasting friendships. 

This year's Forum was held under the theme, "Karabakh in the Future" which was mainly concentrated on future development opportunities and ideas related to the Karabakh region. 

The first day started with a formal part, panel discussions on the topic of Sustainable Future in Business Opportunities, Agriculture, Energy Resources and Tourism of Karabakh”. The panel was attended by guests from governmental and cooperative organizations. It was an active discussion platform for alumni to present their proposals for the future development of Karabakh. The day was followed by open-air reception and cocktail night accompanied by live Jazz music, delicious snacks, and networking opportunities. 

On Forum's second day, participants paid a visit to Agdam to observe ongoing repair and reconstruction works there. The participants visited all the sightsights and got acquainted with the future development plan of Agdam.

Category: Alumni