
ADA University's Executive Education successfully completed 'New Media' Seminar series

ADA University's Executive Education successfully completed 'New Media' Seminar series

In the last months of Fall 2021 semester, Executive Education and the Media Development Agency jointly organized a "New Media" seminar series for young journalists. This was one of the first-ever certified seminar series in Executive Education’s portfolio that was specially designed for students to prepare them for their careers in the rapidly changing multi-media industry.

The seminars brought together the first team of volunteers of the Media Development Agency. 17 young and aspiring volunteer-students had an opportunity to take part in lectures on extremely important topics related to the modern media environment, journalistic values, and ethical and professional approaches to journalism. They gained fundamental theoretical knowledge about the past and future vision of the South Caucasus. The journalists of the future were comprehensively informed about the historical, national and regional impact of Azerbaijan’s victory in the Second Karabakh War, the South Caucasus’s geopolitics, and the global significance of the Caspian Sea's natural resources.

The rigorously-adjusted agenda of seminars provided them with know-how practices and skills related to communication, protocol, etiquette, stress and time management that are highly important for those, who are at the forefront of information dissemination.

Category: University